Membership Dues

Please note that obtaining a coordination or using NARCC's online facilities are not related to dues. Dues are a contribution to support NARCC activities and certain other benefits.

NARCC offers two types of memberships, Regular and Associate.

Regular membership provides these additional benefits:

  • Vote
  • Newsletter
  • Downloadable Repeater directory
  • Downloadable Coordination Certificate
A Regular member is an organization whose membership dues are current and holds at least one station coordination. If you have no plans to coordinate a repeater or Auxiliary station, then you should choose the Associate Membership.

An organization can be a club, group of people or an individual. Each is considered an organization. The organization determines the person to receive all correspondence as well as the benefits listed above. The organization will be credited with membership, not the organization's representative. A paid membership is not required to apply for coordination of a repeater or auxiliary station, or to renew a coordination.

Regular member dues are $20 per year based on the calendar year. Prior to paying dues for the first time, please apply for an Organization number. To apply for an Organization Number, CLICK HERE.

Associate membership provides these benefits:

  • Newsletter
  • Downloadable Repeater directory
An Associate member is a "person" wishing to support NARCC by contributing dues but is not responsible for a repeater.

Associate member dues are $10 per year based on the calendar year. Prior to paying dues for the first time, please apply for an Organization number. To apply for an Organization Number, CLICK HERE.

Dues Calculation:

Dues are calculated on a cost recovery basis to cover NARCC's operating expenses. It may be periodically adjusted based on cost. Changes will be announced in What's New on the NARCC Web site and in the newsletter.

You can pay your dues electronically via PayPal. Due to the addtional costs and delays in processing checks the NARCC Board voted to stop accepting checks as of December 1st, 2024. Payments are accepted via PayPal alone. You do not need a PayPal account to use PayPal. Log in to your NARCC Org, click on Pay Dues, then Pay Now, then Pay with Debit or Credit Card. Follow the instructions from there.

We've made it easy to pay your dues! You can pay dues with PayPal. It's just a few simple steps. Begin by clicking the link below:

Pay your dues with PayPal Login to your Organization Record and Click on Pay Dues.

If you have any questions, please contact our communications manager.

© Northern Amateur Relay Council of California, Inc. 2020.   All Rights Reserved.