Online Database

The information in the database is stored in several tables. The most important of these are the STATION and ORG tables.

The ORG table holds information about your organization. This includes its name and the information about your primary and technical representatives. You can view and edit this information at any time by clicking VIEW/EDIT ORGANIZATION on the main menu.

The STATION table holds information about your currently active stations. Only the coordinator and database administrators can directly edit the information in this table. If you wish to update the information about your stations in our database, the record is first placed in a special "application" table. Just click VIEW/EDIT STATIONS on the main menu.

There are actually two "application" tables. NewApplications holds any applications you file for coordination of a new station. UpdatedApplications holds the data for stations you are updating the coordination for; for instance, if the station was moved or changed PL.

When you file your "application," the coordinator is notified. He will verify the information you have provided, and determine the station's suitability for coordination. At the end of this process, assuming he concurs with its coordination, your station will go into the "pending coordination" status. This normally removes it from whichever "application" table it was in, and places it in the main STATION table.

A station pending coordination is published on our Web site for 60 days, and it shows in blue in our online repeater listings. Assuming there's no valid objection, your coordination will be "approved" at the end of the probation period. This changes your Coordination Status to Coordinated, and if your NARCC membership is current, you can then print your own Coordination Certificate.

That's it! If you have any questions, please contact the communications manager or a coordinator.

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